Sundargarh: Medical Officer Apprehended for Taking Bribe

Bhubaneswar: Odisha vigilance sleuths on Friday apprehended a medical officer in Sundargarh district for allegedly taking bribe from an auto driver.

Dr. Sarada Prasanna Behera , Medical Officer, (Ayush) Gairabahal PHC, Sundargarh district has been apprehended by Odisha Vigilance while demanding and accepting bribe Rs 4000 at Gairabahal PHC from an auto driver of Sundargarh district.

The auto rickshaw in which the passengers were traveling met an accident and both the passengers and the driver were injured. When the auto driver took them to nearby Gairabahal PHC, Dr. Behera who was present in the PHC, asked for Rs 12,000 from the auto driver as bribe, and threatened to intimate the local police otherwise which would lead to cancelation of his DL. Finding no option, the driver paid Rs 8000 bribe to the doctor on the same day i.e on 17.7.22.

The entire bribe money has been recovered from accused Dr. Behera and seized.

In this connection, Rourkela Vigilance PS case has been registered against the medical officer. Investigation is in the matter underway, the vigilance said.

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