Touts cheat tourists on pretext of entry to dance bars in Goa: BJP MLA Lobo

Panaji: Goa’s BJP MLA Michael Lobo on Wednesday met Director of General of Police (DGP) Jaspal Singh and sought action against illegal dance bars operating in his constituency Calangute, and touts who cheat tourists.

“Last time Panchayat and Planning Development Area (PDA) had taken action against these dance bars and they were demolished. But again they constructed and now 12 to 13 dance bars are established,” Lobo told reporters here.

“Agents and touts roam on roads and bring the customers to dance bars. They swipe their cards debiting Rs 25 to 30 thousand. But whatever they promise to the tourists, they don’t provide it. Then, tourists are assaulted if they demand to return their money. There are various such cases,” Lobo said.

“Tourists should get safety. We need to send a message to the world that tourists are safe here. Illegal things should be stopped. Panchayat has given licenses for restaurants, but they convert them into dance bars. It is totally illegal. I had stopped this earlier, but again it has started,” he said.

He said that around 200 to 250 touts are still roaming in Calangute. “Action should be taken against them,” he said.

Lobo said that DGP has assured to take action against the dance bars and touts.

“I am confident that the police will take action. Earlier there were 700 to 800 touts. But after my appeal to the Chief Minister, police acted and now only 200 to 250 touts are there, who operate during night time,” he said.

Earlier, Lobo had written a letter to the Chief Minister and Director General of Police, appealing to take immediate action against touts, pimps, anti-social elements, who are promoting illegal businesses, by misleading, cheating and harassing tourists.

“There are various illegal clubs, dance bars, massage parlours operating in Calangute area and there are various touts and pimps who are operating and promoting all types of illegal businesses,” the letter had stated.

In the past few days, he said that numerous incidents of touts cheating tourists of large amounts of money by making false promises were reported.

According to Michael Lobo, various incidents go unreported as most of the tourists hesitate to complain since they are here to enjoy their holiday, and do not prefer to waste time and energy at the Police stations. “But these tourists take a bad image of Goa along with them and this fact is evident from the bad reviews and feedback which are reflected on social media,” Lobo said.


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