Lockdown Period has Improved Patience Level, Says Ace Goalkeeper Savita | News Room Odisha

Lockdown Period has Improved Patience Level, Says Ace Goalkeeper Savita

Bengaluru: Upon resumption of sports activities by the Indian Hockey Teams who have been stationed at the Sports Authority of India Campus, Bengaluru, players from men and women core probables have had the chance to reflect on the lock-down period which saw them spend more than two months with their teammates.

The Indian Women’s Hockey Team’s ace Goalkeeper Savita believes that the period has taught her patience and given her more reasons to value even the small moments.

“I have always been a very quiet person who is mostly calm, but I believe that the time we spent during lock-down has really taken my patience level to a new high. We were all very comfortably placed here in SAI Centre, Bengaluru with our teammates and support staff, and I think it gave us the chance to really connect with each other as well,” expressed Savita, who hails from Sirsa, Haryana.

“I think in circumstances like these, you really start to wonder about the ‘what could haves’ and the ‘what ifs’, and that is when you also realize how important even the small moments are to each of us. For me, I have missed my family a lot, but I have also been very, very happy that they are all safe and healthy, and that once I go back home, I will really be valuing those moments a lot,” added the 29-year-old.

Always playing with a steadfast approach on the field, Savita has been a rock at the back for the Indian team for the past 12 years, but believes her best is yet to come. “It is a funny thing that when I first started off, my self-belief and passion for the sport was really less as compared to other people. However, with time, I started falling in love with the sport, and I truly believe now that the best for me is yet to come,” said the Indian Goalkeeper.

With the Tokyo Olympics scheduled for next year now, Savita added that her experience of playing in the Rio Olympics in 2016 will help her better her individual performances. “When I say my best is yet to come, it is because my goal is to perform exceptionally for my team at the Tokyo Olympics, and make sure that I can put the nightmare of Rio (Olympics 2016) behind me. I think our team was really raw at that point of time, and we did make a few mistakes. However, 2021 in Tokyo will surely be a great chance for our team to make history,” added Savita, whose Indian team is currently ranked ninth in the FIH World Rankings.

Also speaking on the return of hockey in some countries, Savita said that her team is really raring to go. “We have been doing our homework for the past couple of months where we have been studying and analyzing various aspects of our’s and our opponents’ game. It has been really good to hear about the return of hockey in some countries including New Zealand, and I speak for my entire team when I say that we cannot wait to get back to playing competitive hockey against the top nations,” signed off Savita.