50% cap: Irate commuters block south Delhi road, vandalise bus | News Room Odisha

50% cap: Irate commuters block south Delhi road, vandalise bus

New Delhi, Dec 30 (IANS) The people angry over being denied to board a bus over the 50 per cent capacity limit on Thursday blocked a road in the national capital and vandalised the bus.

Additional District Commissioner of Police (South District) Harsh Vardhan said some people blocked the MB road in the city and broke the glasses of a DTC bus around 10.30 a.m. in the morning. “The issue was regarding non availability of seats in the buses due to Covid related restrictions,” the official said.

As the things escalated, the police rushed to the spot and tried to pacify the irate commuters. Scenes of chaos could be seen and a minor scuffle between the people and the cops was also reported.

The angry mob of people even resorted to stone pelting due to which the bus windowpanes were shattered. “Even yesterday the people were angry and were forcibly trying to get inside the bus, but, things turned violent today,” said a conductor of one of the buses.

The police said as a preventive measure five people were detained from the spot.

As per latest reports, the police have dispersed the crowd and a case for violating pandemic guidelines and destruction of public property, among others has been registered at the Sangam Vihar Police station.

The city is currently under a yellow alert in the wake of spike in the number of Covid cases and the fear of spread of the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus. Since the imposition of the new curbs, the commuters in Delhi are facing a harrowing time as long queues could be seen everyday outside Metro stations and at bus stops.

