Astro Zindagi: Weekly Horoscope | News Room Odisha

Astro Zindagi: Weekly Horoscope

New Delhi: Here is a guide to the week ahead for you. This is your forecast for March 11-17.


This is a great period when you should put your career ambitions and professional development in the foreground. You will develop the desire to do better in your job and take up new opportunities. As a result of your hard work and commitment, you might be rewarded with recognition from your superiors, and thus, you will have a chance for promotion or an increased level of responsibility. If you are a student, the stars will assist you in being disciplined and organised, and thus, you will do well in your exams. If you are in a relationship, set aside time daily to discuss critical matters with your partner. Guard against health concerns relating to the heart.

Tip of the week: Take up new opportunities


This week, you are in for a lot of fun and will feel the romantic bliss. If you’re in a relationship, take advantage of the chance to get back in touch with your partner on a deeper level. Plan a date or do an activity you both like that makes you laugh and smile. If you are single, you will be surprised at how you may be swept off your feet by someone new. On the career front, you will discover that you are flooded with creative ideas and the motivation to put them into reality. Consider this creative flow, and be not afraid to think outside the box. If you are a student, don’t be scared to allow your imagination to wander and devise unusual ways of learning.

Tip of the week: Think outside the box


You may be highly motivated by the thirst for recognition and success in your career. Nevertheless, find peaceful ways to deal with emotionally volatile situations rather than confrontations. This is the right time to re-evaluate your goals and approaches, especially about your long-term career goals. Keeping the focus and not getting distracted by office politics is a must. For those who are single, this week could be an opportunity to develop a special bond with someone who catches your eye. You will likely experience a strong need for physical contact and emotional closeness. Make sure to take breaks and practice self-care to prevent overworking yourself.

Tip of the week: Avoid confrontation


This week, your communication skills will be an asset at the workplace. Whether it’s sharing ideas or dealing with clients, your ability to speak clearly and persuasively will be one of the most essential skills in the business world. Use any chance to prove your abilities to the audience through presentations or written communication. At networking events or in professional meetings, you may encounter unexpected job offers, so don’t be shy about chatting and creating connections. In matters of the heart, this week calls for you to say what you feel and say it without fear or reservation. That is an excellent opportunity to establish family bonds through meaningful conversations and joint activities.

Tip of the week: Speak clearly and persuasively


For your career, this week will bring positive changes. You might get acknowledged for your efforts or open new ways of career progression. In this period, you will be able to demonstrate your confidence and leadership skills, which will be an excellent time to take on new challenges or accept greater responsibilities. In contrast, watch out for getting too pushy or arrogant, which may cause conflicts with your colleagues and superiors. Regarding your love life, this week is about how you express yourself and how much you understand. It is essential to listen to your partner in a relationship and try to understand his or her needs and worries.Be patient and understanding in dealing with your family members.

Tip of the week: Don’t be pushy


This week, you will have strong independence and self-confidence in family interactions. Nevertheless, you need to be careful not to go too far as you try to be yourself and, at the same time, preserve the peace in your family. At your workplace, you will exhibit outstanding leadership skills. You can channel this energy to drive projects, express your views firmly, and show your bosses how creative you can be. It is the right time to let yourself assert your ambitions and look for new possibilities for your growth and promotion. Being single might get the attention of someone interested in your being confident and charming.

Tip of the week: Show your leadership skills


This week, your job might be pushed away as you put first in your spiritual peace and inner growth. It’s an excellent time to re-evaluate your career goals and check if your current plan aligns with your values, vision, and ambitions. You can discover that you are attracted to those activities that will help you regenerate and reconnect with yourself, for instance, meditation, yoga, or other creative hobbies. It is about being patient and understanding to your partner in your love life. If you are in a relationship, you might find that quiet contemplation is very useful for developing your bond. Connecting with your ancestors and your family’s history may be vital.

Tip of the week: Seek inner peace


This week is good for teamwork and collaboration. It is possible that you will discover that group work will bring in new ideas, and you will be able to grow. Your colleagues and managers will reward and value your originality and innovative thinking. Be open-minded as you approach tasks, as they may lead you to an unexpected success. But be careful of overstepping the boundaries or trying to make the situation happen. In personal space, it is a moment to hear each other out and share your sentiments without fear. When it comes to singles, they are likely to be drawn to someone they know from their social circle.

Tip of the week: Don’t overstep boundaries


This week is all about balance. If you are in a relationship, you must set aside time and be attentive to your partner, or else they might feel neglected. Plan a date and have fun, or do something special together to rekindle your romance. Singles should take this opportunity to learn more about themselves. Engage in things that are likely to make you happy and contented. On the career front, it is the right time to exhibit your potential and get involved in leadership tasks. But, be wary of stamping on others’ toes in your career progression journey. Teamwork is the key to success, and the outcomes will be better when you work together than when you try to do it all by yourself.

Tip of the week: Learn about yourself


Believe in the possibilities for progression and growth. Be open-minded and ready to try something new and step outside your comfort zone, whether it’s in your career, love life, family, or education. As you tap into your adventurous side, family issues may take a back seat this week. On the other side, this is also a perfect time to reunite with relatives who live far away or to dig into your family’s roots and traditions. Whether you are a student or a teacher, it’s a great time to go for higher education or to explore more about the world via books, self-study, or travel. In your career, it may happen that you will be interested in new tasks and chances that can enrich your skills and knowledge.

Tip of the week: Believe in growth


This week is the period of inner search and individual development. Adjust to the new things in your life and tell yourself that they are taking you to a better future. You may find that the long ago buried wounds will reappear when your family life is concerned. Take this as the moment to heal past traumas and strengthen your family’s bonds. This is the right time for singles to do some soul-searching and find out precisely what you want from a partner. Be open-minded, and don’t shy away from getting out of your familiar ground. In the context of your career, you may discover yourself being attracted to some new and advanced ideas. Embrace the freedom and the liberty to act upon your creativity and to your advantage.

Tip of the week: Adjust to new things


This week, you are strongly recommended to join forces and make allies in your career. Be ready to hear and accept different opinions. Professional events or networking opportunities can be a good source, so don’t be shy about connecting with people and making connections. Watch out for chances to display what you are good at. Pay attention to your partner’s words and share your feelings. Singles may find themselves attracted to someone they can relate to in terms of core values and aspirations. Students should find study groups, participate in workshops, or consult mentors who will help them with guidance and support.

Tip of the week: Make allies in your career

(Neeraj Dhankher is an Astrologer with proficiency in Vedic, KP and Nadi Astrology. He is the Founder and CEO of Astro Zindagi. The observations are made by the writer based on his analysis)