Berhampur Endocrinologist Dr Sunil Kota Gets RSSDI Award for Best Innovation in Diabetes Care during COVID-19 Pandemic | News Room Odisha

Berhampur Endocrinologist Dr Sunil Kota Gets RSSDI Award for Best Innovation in Diabetes Care during COVID-19 Pandemic

Berhampur: Dr Sunil Kumar Kota has been conferred with the RSSDI (Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India) award for the best innovation in diabetes care during the challenging COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Dr Kota, who is a noted endocrinologist at Diabetes & Endocare Clinic, Berhampur, is the only doctor from Odisha to have received the prestigious award, which was announced during the 48th annual conference of RSSDI conducted virtually.

The award has been given to Dr Kota for his various developmental activities during COVID-19 pandemic, including tying up with Ganjam District administration in production of awareness videos on Diabetes & COVID-19 with Ganjam Collector Vijay Amruta Kulange, the then Berhampur Municipality Commissioner Chakravarti Singh Rathore and Sub Collector Keerthi Vasan which were streamed lived by the District Administration’s official webpages via Facebook Live, Zoom, Twitter; giving awareness interviews to various electronic, print and digital media; helping Ganjam district administration in forming a team of 63 doctors for free tele-consultation during lockdown; leading a team of experts during COVID week celebration; visit to COVID Care centre to talk to inmates regarding care of comorbid conditions like diabetes, hypertension and obesity etc under the guidance of Project Director Dattatreya B Shinde; offering his expertise for management of diabetes in some inpatients; awareness session for district police and their health check under the supervision of DIG, Southern Range Satyabrata Bhoi and SP, Berhampur Pinak Mishra and Online webinars with members of Rotary, Inner Wheel, Friends Helping Club, LIC, YWCA etc.

The RSSDI awards doctors from across India for their varied contribution towards betterment of patients.

A total of 10 doctors from across India were felicitated with this award. Dr Sunil Kota was the only Doctor from Odisha to receive this award.

Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India