BMC Takes Initiatives for Plastic waste management at School Level | News Room Odisha

BMC Takes Initiatives for Plastic waste management at School Level

Bhubaneswar: A training programme has been conducted for secondary school teachers in BMC conference hall today on plastic waste management at school level.

This one day training programme organised by BMC has been supported by UNDP.

40 secondary school teachers from 30 selected schools joined as participant and first level change agent. Once teachers are oriented they will regularly orient and follow up students on plastic waste management at school level.

When BMC ropes in establishing source Seggregation at the same time plastic waste management is paid at par attention told Suvendu Kumar Sahoo, Deputy Commissioner ,Sanitation.
BMC has chalked out orienting 30 schools and success of these schools will be replicated in other schools, he added.

Head of Circular Economy- UNDP , Prabhjot Sodhi addressesed the participants about burden of plastic for human race. Citing an estimation he cautioned that by 2050 globe’s plastic burden will be about 1200 crore ton. Hence it is high time to start managing the waste.

The project has designed to prepare students as chane agents who in turn will orient their family members.This initiative targets a rippling effect for each school.

Abha Mishra state head UNDP told teachers are the first impression for students.So the project targets teachers to create change agents for families and society at large.

Topics discussed in the programme are types of plastic waste, escalating burden on human race, dangers of plastic waste, do not litter public places with plastic waste, segregation and disposal.

Civil Society organisations namely RAC and CORE facilitated for IEC display during the programme.

Manoranjan Sahoo team leader SBA Cell BMC and Kirtiman Sadangi environment expert gave presentation on plastic enforcement activities under BMC.