Cong leaders, MLAs sitting on fence, but workers' morale high for 2022 polls | News Room Odisha

Cong leaders, MLAs sitting on fence, but workers’ morale high for 2022 polls

Gandhinagar: Despite speculative reports of more Congress MLAs and politicians switching over to the BJP, die hard party workers and leaders are confident of giving a tough fight to the ruling party.

Sources from the party said that the BJP will make all-out efforts to make Congress faceless in the coming elections, clearing its way to a thumping majority in the Assembly polls due in December 2022.

Even if BJP is successful in its poaching strategy, the Congress is determined to put up a tough fight.

According to the party sources, senior leaders fear that half-a-dozen MLAs, three to four state level leaders are in touch with BJP leaders. They may switch side any time before the election. The BJP will also attempt to win over a few leaders in each district and major cities, to demoralise the Congress cadre.

“There is no dissent in the Congress Legislative Party. I am personally in touch with every MLA of the party, so I don’t see any reason for any MLA to quit unless he is not confident of winning on his own with party’s support. Party state leaders are trying resolve their issues if any, and for that, state level leaders are meeting them individually,” Sukhram Rathva, Leader of Opposition in the state Assembly, said.

Party cadre and hardcore Congressmen are competent to overcome any crises, assured Arjun Modhwadia, senior party leader. Replying to question on possible mass exodus from the party, he reaffirmed: “It is a hypothetical question, yet I would say that the party, that has overcome the unfortunate untimely demise of stalwarts like Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, these are very small issues, even if few people leave the party, will make any difference to the party, in the past many have left, this propaganda is run by BJP for the last two decades, and every elections, Congress has performed better than last election.”

Not Just Rathva or Modhwadia, but even district level leaders and workers are ready with counter strategy for poaching. Amreli District Congress Committee President Dhirajlal Raiyani is confident that none of the four sitting MLAs will quit the party, because all are likely to be repeated.

Raiyani further said even after such propaganda and few leaders recently quitting the party, the workers’ morale is not down. Two days ago, a protest demanding employment was organised in Amreli in which at least 700 to 1,000 workers participated. On Tuesday, Savarkundla city working committee meeting took place attended by 250 members. Even if the BJP manages to poach few more leaders, still there will be little impact on the party cadre, he said with confidence.