Covid-19: Odisha Issues Guidelines For Factories | News Room Odisha

Covid-19: Odisha Issues Guidelines For Factories

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Government has issued guidelines to the factories situated in the state outlining the Dos and Don’t’s in view of Covid-19. The notification issued by the Directorate Of Factories And Boilers calls upon all the industrial establishments to follow the guidelines strictly.

  1. 1. Promote frequent and thorough hand washing by the workers with a place to wash their hands with soap or alcohol bases hand rubs.
    2. Encourage workers to stay home if they are sick and to call helpline number 104.
    3. Encourage respiratory etiquettes including coughs and sneezes.
    4. Employers should explore flexible work hours to minimize contact among employees.
    5. Discourage workers from using other worker’s phone. Desks, offices or other work tools and equipment to the extent possible.
    6. Avoid grouping of the workers or staff at work site for meeting as far as possible .Inform the employees to practice social distancing.
    7. Employers should inform and encourage employers to self-monitor for signs and and symptoms of COVID-19.
    8. Employers should develop procedures for employees to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
    9. Employers should take steps for immediately for isolating people who have signs and/or symptoms of COVID-19.
    10. Although most worksites may not have specific isolation rooms, designated areas with closable doors shall be made as isolation rooms if required.
    11. Maintain regular housekeeping practices, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, equipment, and other elements of the work environment.
    12. Maintain proper hygiene in Canteens / dining rooms.
    13. Crèches shall be specifically monitored and disinfected thoroughly.
    14. Factories having Public address/visual Display system may utilize the same for educating workers on the measures for preventing possible exposure of COVID-19.
    15. Occupiers shall avoid meetings with foreign delegates/Technical experts from outside State as far as possible.
    16. Notwithstanding anything stated above, all factory management shall ensure strict compliance of directions of the Department of Health and family Welfare, Government of Odisha and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.