Did Gehlot meet Sonia with papers detailing allegations against Pilot? | News Room Odisha

Did Gehlot meet Sonia with papers detailing allegations against Pilot?

Jaipur: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot apparently met interim Congress President Sonia Gandhi on Thursday along with some documents containing “serious allegations” against his former deputy Sachin Pilot.

On his way to Sonia Gandhi’s residence, cameras caught Gehlot carrying a paper in his hand that had details mentioning ‘hooliganism’ at the Pilot camp, from colluding with the BJP to leaving the party.

Gehlot had taken a hand-written paper, which contained allegations against Pilot, along with an apology.

It was written in the paper — ‘Sachin Pilot will leave the party’. It was also written ‘102 Versus 18’, meaning Gehlot has the support of 102 MLAs while Pilot has only 18 MLAs backing him.

It was written on the top of the paper — “What happened is very sad, I am also very sad and hurt.”

The paper contained a series of allegations against the Pilot camp.

However, only half of these points could be seen in the camera as the rest were covered by Gehlot’s hand.

Gehlot had written — “The first state president, who rebelled while in office.”

“We have 102 MLAs, while Pilot has only 18. BJP offered Rs 10-50 crore to MLAs.”

The allegations also mention the Pushkar incident. In Pushkar, shoes were hurled on state minister Ashok Chandna while slogans were raised in favour of Pilot.