Five human traffickers, 26 other criminal offenders held in Afghanistan | News Room Odisha

Five human traffickers, 26 other criminal offenders held in Afghanistan

Kabul: Afghan Ministry of Interior Affairs said on Thursday that police have arrested five suspects in connection with human trafficking in the country’s western Herat province.

The suspects were arrested during a military operation conducted by police in the province’s Kashak district on Wednesday, Mufti Abdul Mateen Qani, the spokesperson for the ministry, said on social media.

The detained suspects had planned to smuggle a money exchanger, Qani said, reports Xinhua news agency.

Meanwhile, the ministry said that police have apprehended 26 people on the charge of involvement in criminal activities including murder and theft cases in the provinces of Faryab, Takhar, Samangan, Badghis, Kunduz, Herat and Paktia.

Details are awaited.