Naveen Congratulates Team Skilled In Odisha For Bagging Record Golds at IndiaSkills 2021 | News Room Odisha

Naveen Congratulates Team Skilled In Odisha For Bagging Record Golds at IndiaSkills 2021

Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has congratulated the Skilled Odisha team that participated in the IndiaSkills 2021 event held at Patna. In tweet, Naveen said, “Congratulate #TeamOdisha on topping the national tally with 23 golds at #IndiaSkills2021 Regional Competition-East held at Patna. This success will further encourage youths of the state to acquire skills and pursue better careers.”

The Skilled In Odisha contingent topped the medals tally at the East Zone Regional Event with 23 Gold Medals in 21 skills, 20 silver medals in 19 skills and 12 walkovers. Odisha has set a new record at the events in which a total 85 participants participated in 39 skills. With this they have, conformed their berth for the national level event to be held in Bengaluru in December 2021.

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