Naveen Will Bring Golden Era For the Youth of Odisha In the Coming Decade: Kartik Pandian | News Room Odisha

Naveen Will Bring Golden Era For the Youth of Odisha In the Coming Decade: Kartik Pandian

Bhubaneswar: The next decade will be a golden era for the young generation in Odisha. Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik will bring golden era for the youth of Odisha in the next ten years.

Senior Biju Janata Dal leader and 5T Chairman Kartik Pandian has said that guarantees have been given for the youth for the next ten years. Explaining about the future plans of the party for the young generation, particularly the youth, Kartik Pandian has said that Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik aims to build a developed Odisha by the youth.

He also said that Odisha will be the first state in the country to bring a special youth budget of 1 lakh crore for the next ten years. Youth Budget is a new concept that our Chief Minister has introduced. With a futuristic vision, the youth Budget has been planned. This amount will be spent in the next ten years for empowering the youth of Odisha.

While, 10 thousand crore rupees will be spent annually, out of that one thousand crore rupees will be spent by taking the proposals and feedback of the youth.

Explaining the plans for the youth of Odisha, Kartik Pandian said, Odisha is the first state of the country to have such a plan. The strategy is to provide world class facilities for the youth of Odisha. There will be provisions for Higher education of students, skill development and increasing employment opportunities for them. The aim is to build a new Odisha using youth as an engine of growth.

Pandian also said that Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik want to make Odisha a leader in all sectors before 2036 when the state will celebrate the centenary of its foundation. By 2034, Odisha will lead and compete with the best of the states and countries and that will be possible through the young generation.

“You all know that, whatever sector our Chief Minister touches, he transforms it into gold. Be it Disaster Management, Poverty reduction, Sports, Manufacturing, food production, Women empowerment, Naveen transforms them into gold standards,” said Kartik Pandian.
Kartik Pandian said that, this plan has been initiated long back. Initiatives such as 5T High School Transformation and College Transformation have been taken up. Eight thousand schools have been transformed. One thousand colleges have also been transformed with world class infrastructure and facilities. The process of School and College transformation will continue. Today, the Government schools have more facilities than private schools. Odisha is the number one state in skill development.

The Chief Minister is always with the young generation. Kartik Pandian appealed the young generation to bless the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister aims to transform Odisha into a leading state in all fields in the next ten years between 2024 to 2034.

Interacting with the media, Kartik Pandian has said that, if you see the BJP’s manifesto, you will not find anything for the youth and students of Odisha. On the other hand, in the BJD Manifesto, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has given the Naveen guarantees for the youth, he added.