Odisha: Chief Secy Urges Officials to Develop Ecotourism in Keonjhar Dist | News Room Odisha

Odisha: Chief Secy Urges Officials to Develop Ecotourism in Keonjhar Dist

Keonjhar: Odisha Chief Secretary Suresh Chandra Mahapatra visited Keonjhar district and reviewed the implementation of the ongoing developmental works there with Collector and concerned district level officers.

Mahapatra directed to develop the nature and ecotourism in the district with direct involvement of local the communities in development, maintenance and upkeep of the spots. He also directed to identify suitable sites for jungle safari and boating facilities with active participation of local youth.

“Such activities while creating new employment opportunities will directly boost economic activities in the district. The local community will develop a sense of belongingness with the forest and eco-systems, once they get earnings from those”, he added.

The Chief Secretary also reviewed the ground level progress of the irrigation projects, road works and national high way works. He directed the district administration to workout the plan for a series of mega lift projects for harnessing the existing irrigation potential of the district. Sri Mahapatra set time lines for completion of each project.

He also took a field level review of the construction of medical college at Keonjhar and set time limits for completion of various phases of the project.

Chief Secy Urges Officials to Develop EcotourismChif Secretary Suresh MahapatraKeonjhar DistOdisha