Odisha CM Remembers Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa on Her Birth Anniversary | News Room Odisha

Odisha CM Remembers Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa on Her Birth Anniversary

Bhubaneswar: Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today remembered Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa on her birth anniversary.

Paying his humble tributes to Mother Teresa, the Odisha CM described her icon of compassion who dedicated her life for the service of sick, dying and destitute.

Her unfailing commitment to serve the poorest of poor continues to inspire us, Naveen expressed.

“Humble tributes to Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa on her birth anniversary. The icon of compassion dedicated her entire life for the service of sick, dying and destitute. Her unfailing commitment to serve the poorest of poor continues to inspire us”, the CM tweeted.

During her lifetime Mother Teresa became famous as the Catholic nun who dedicated her life to caring for the destitute and dying in the slums of Calcutta – now known as Kolkata. Teresa received a number of honors, including the Ramon Magsaysay Peace Prize in 1962, the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and the Bharat Ratna (India’s highest civilian award) in 1980.

Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa on her birth anniversaryCM Naveen Patnaik