Rourkela Smart City among Top 11 Winner Cities in EatSmart Cities Challenge | News Room Odisha

Rourkela Smart City among Top 11 Winner Cities in EatSmart Cities Challenge

Rourkela: Bringing laurels to the State, Rourkela Smart City Ltd has emerged as one of the winners of EatSmart Cities Challenge organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Smart City Mission and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

Rourkela Smart City has made it to the list of 11 winner cities for the EatSmart Cities Challenge. It has been selected for innovative measures to ensure a safe, healthy and sustainable food environment in the city.

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has congratulated the Rourkela Smart City for the feat.

Other winner cities are Rajkot, Sagar, Surat, Panaji, Jammu, Jabalpur, Indore, Chandigarh, Ujjain and Tumkuru.
The EatSmart Cities Challenge aims to motivate Smart Cities to develop a plan that supports a healthy, safe and sustainable food environment supported by institutional, physical, social, and economic infrastructure along with the application of ‘smart’ solutions to combat food related issues.

EatSmart Cities ChallengeRourkela Smart City