Some Good Things That Covid Has Taught Us During the Lockdown | News Room Odisha

Some Good Things That Covid Has Taught Us During the Lockdown

The countrywide lockdown in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic has made our lives a bit quite. We are now confined to our houses and will be like this for another two weeks. Though we are staying at home to avoid spreading the deadly disease and break the chain of infections, we have in silence learnt many things from this. We are experiencing some changes unknowingly in our lives that are good for us and the society as well. Some of the changes that we are experiencing today are going to impact in our lives forever. If we want to adapt those changes we can have a better life ahead and the world will be more beautiful to live.

As we observe lockdown in the country, we are working from home. We are now at our own for the work to be done. We had never thought of trying to work from home but the lockdown has taught us to devise ways to work from home. This is true and is practical. As the crisis will end, the work from home effort will continue and will be a part and parcel of our everyday chore. We have learnt working from home without going to offices, without traffic jams and not spreading pollution.

The second major thing that the lockdown has taught us is our ability to build world class health infrastructure. We have showed that if need arises, we can build hospitals in days and there would be no red tape to slow down the efforts. We have learnt how to coordinate during the crisis. In some places we have converted large stadiums into hospitals and quarantine facilities. In some areas we have put to use schools for isolation of infected persons. These efforts have been possible due to our swift actions. We have learnt how to respond to emergencies.

In the last ten days, India has helped lakhs of poor people were in dire need. The state governments have created facilities to provide resting place for millions of people who were on roads. This is not a small effort. With one call administration has reached out to the poor. Now we can devise policies keeping in view our experience from Covid.

Another important message Covid-19 has given to the third world countries is they are better than the so called developed countries. Today, we see in horror the pandemic taking lives of thousands of people world over, particularly the European countries. The developed countries came under emergencies although they have better healthcare facilities. It shows how unprepared the developed countries to unforeseen situations. What is important to note here that the leadership was lacking in the developed countries.

The lock down has taught the common man how to live a simple life with a small amount of money. We have learnt how to spend the small amount of money that we have cautiously and judiciously.

In the end, the lockdown has taught us how to spend time with our families. It has shown us how we can avoid go to shopping malls and restaurants. We can also avoid going to cinema halls and stay at home with our dear ones. The lockdown has taught us how we were foolishly spending our savings on lavish functions and parties. We are now satisfied that we can do these things without any hassles. What is needed is just commitment from us towards our society and our family.