Team India Fined for Slow Over Rate in First ODI against Australia | News Room Odisha

Team India Fined for Slow Over Rate in First ODI against Australia

Sydney: India players have been fined 20 per cent of their match fee for maintaining a slow over-rate against Australia in the first ODI in Sydney on Friday.

David Boon of the Emirates ICC Elite Panel of Match Referees imposed the sanction after Virat Kohli’s side was ruled to be one over short of the target after time allowances were taken into consideration.

In accordance with Article 2.22 of the ICC Code of Conduct for Players and Player Support Personnel, which relates to minimum over-rate offences, players are fined 20 per cent of their match fee for every over their side fails to bowl in the allotted time.

Kohli pleaded guilty to the offence and accepted the proposed sanction, so there was no need for a formal hearing.
On-field umpires Rod Tucker and Sam Nogajski, TV umpire Paul Reiffel and fourth umpire Gerard Abood leveled the charge.