U.S. Presidential Election: Biden Nears The Finish Line Of U.S. Presidential Race | News Room Odisha

U.S. Presidential Election: Biden Nears The Finish Line Of U.S. Presidential Race

Washington: Democrat Joe Biden seemingly on the verge of victory in the United States Presidential polls as his lead grew over President Donald Trump in battleground states, although television networks held off from declaring him the victor as vote-counting continued.

Trump has demanded recounts in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, all of which Biden is winning by less than a 1 per cent margin. 1% margin of total votes polled in Wisconsin, 0.5 per cent in Pennsylvania, difference of 2000 votes or less in Michigan etc. But historically, recounts have resulted in an average change of only around 250 votes, which would suggest Biden is safe in all contested states.

Democrat Joe Biden continues to stretch his lead in Nevada and Pennsylvania. He is currently leading incumbent Donald Trump by over 22,500 votes in Nevada and almost 29,000 votes in Pennsylvania where an estimated 99 percent of expected votes have already been counted.

Biden is also currently ahead in Georgia by more than 7,000 votes, where a recount has been confirmed. Meanwhile, Trump is leading in North Carolina by 76,479 votes where less than one percent of the ballots remain to be counted.

On the fourth day of vote counting, Joe Biden had a 264 to 214 lead in the state-by-state Electoral College vote that determines the winner. Securing Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes would put Biden over the 270 he needs to win the presidency after a political career stretching back nearly five decades.

Though President Donald Trump is refusing to concede defeat, insisting Democrats are stealing the election but may be after few days, air will be cleared that who will cross the magic number 270 to win in the U.S. presidential race.