Zero Tolerance on Social Distancing Violation, Warns Naveen amid Spike in COVID-19 Positive Cases | News Room Odisha

Zero Tolerance on Social Distancing Violation, Warns Naveen amid Spike in COVID-19 Positive Cases

Bhubaneswar: Soon after Odisha reported its highest single day spike with 18 positive COVID-19 cases, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen warned zero tolerance on violation of social distancing norms.

“There will be zero tolerance on violation of social distancing. Any violation of social distancing will attract criminal action. The concerned shop / market will be sealed. Earnest request to cooperate in our fight against Coronavirus”, the CM said.

Odisha today reported as many as 18 positive cases of COVID-19, taking the total number of cases to 39.

The new cases are reported in Bhubaneswar.

CM Naveen PatnaikCOVID-19