68th Wildlife Week: Hirakud Wildlife Division Conducts Quiz, Sit & Draw Competition for Students 

Sambalpur: On the eve of 68th Wildlife Week, Hirakud Wildlife Division conducted quiz and “Sit & Draw” competition for school students form 23rd September to 30th September in school surrounding Debrigarh Sanctuary of Bargarh District and Sambalpur Zoo, Sambalpur District.

More than 1500 students from 52 schools participated in the competition. The theme for the drawing competition was “Bird & our Environment” & “Co-existence with Wildlife.” The winners were awarded prize and certificate in a meeting at the school organized by Hirakud Wildlife Division.

On the occasion of 68th Wildlife Week a District Level Meeting was organized at Sambalpur Zoo. Anshu Pragyan Das Divisional Forest Officer, Hirakud Wildlife Division, Sambalpur presided over the meeting.

Divisional Forest Officer, Sambalpur Forest Division, Sambalpur, Divisional Forest Officer,(Kendu Leaf) Division, Sambalpur addressed the gathering. Members of Chadei Group, School students, teachers, parents & Wildlife Conservationist were present in the meeting. The winners from Drawing & Quiz competition held on September 29 to 30 in various schools of Sambalpur for the occasion of 68th Wildlife Week were felicitated in the meeting.

Prizes were distributed to winners of Sub Divisional Level Biju Patnaik Award, 2022 for their contribution on towards Conservation of Wildlife.

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