‘Skilled in Odisha’ Brand Continues to Shine: 1566 ITI Berhampur Students Get Placements in Reputed Companies

Berhampur: The Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Berhampur successfully concluded its “Locking the Talent” event on 26th February held virtually to celebrate the institute’s achievements during placement held from 2nd February to 23rd February.

The placement week witnessed the participation of 18 industries from various sectors. A remarkable 1566 students from ITI Berhampur secured placements in reputed companies across diverse industries. The institute is proud to highlight that 404 of the placed students are women, demonstrating its commitment to promoting gender equality in the workforce.

The event was graced by UshaPadhee, Secretary, SD&TE Department, Odisha and Reghu G, Director, DTE&T, Odisha, all the senior officers from Department along with representatives from 18 participating industries. Dr.Rajat Kumar Panigrahy, Principal of ITI Berhampur, extended a warm welcome to all the guests.

“We are immensely proud of the achievements of our students during the placement week. This success is a testament to the dedication of our faculty, staff, and industry partners. We are committed to providing our students with the necessary skills such as Autodesk, IT Essential under digital Skilling and training to excel in their chosen careers.” Principal said.

16 industries who have been associated with the institute for the past three years commended the students for their discipline, dedication, and the skills as key factors in attracting them to the institute and facilitating successful placements for a large number of students.

The DTE&T Director expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the institute’s dedication and relentless efforts in ensuring successful placements for its students. He commended the faculty and staff for their commitment to providing quality training and equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in diverse fields.

The SD&TE Secretary echoed the similar sentiments and expressed her immense happiness at ITI Berhampur’s continued success. She emphasized the importance of such diverse placements in shaping the careers of young minds and contributing to the overall development of the region. She was proud to announce that the institute is serving as an inspiring role model for the state and the country.

Recruited students shared their positive experiences at ITI Berhampur and expressed their gratitude for the institute’s role in securing them employment opportunities. They spoke about the valuable skills and knowledge they gained during their time at the institute, which prepared them for success in the workplace. The recruited girls expressed gratitude to the government for the Sudakshya scheme, which has played a crucial role in their success bysupporting the education andskill development.

The Principal of ITI Berhampur concluded the event by delivering a vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, faculty members, and staff who contributed to the institute’s success in achieving this remarkable feat. He expressed his pride in the students’ accomplishments and reiterated the institute’s commitment to providing exceptional education and training to empower students for a bright future.

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