Thousands of Pilgrims Throng To Puri to Witness Raja Rajeswar Besha of Trinity On the Occasion of Dola Purnima

Puri: Thousands of pilgrims are thronging to Puri today to witness the Holy Trinity in their Suna Besha. On the occasion of the holy Dola Purnima today, Lord Jagannath and his siblings Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra will adorn in the Raj Rajeswar Besha in the Jagannath Temple.

Dola Purnima is an auspicious occasion celebrated with much fan and fare in the Puri Sri Mandira. On this occasion, the deities immerse in the colors of Fagu or Abira with their devotees. Also, the representative idols of the trinity namely Gobinda, Bhudevi and Sridevi are taken on special Dola Vimanas to the Dola Mandap where the deities and sebayatas celebrate Holi with different colors.

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