Now candidates can spend up to Rs 8 lakh in MCD polls

New Delhi : Now candidates contesting Municipal Polls in Delhi can spend up to Rs 8 lakh for campaigning, as the State Election Commission of India has increased the limit of election expenditure.

S.K. Srivastava, the Commissioner of State Election Commission of Delhi, passed an order in this respect.

Earlier, the limit imposed by the State Election Commission of Delhi was Rs 5.75 lakh.

Delhi may go for MCD polls in April, though the state election commission hasn’t made any announcement in this regard yet.

“We are fixing the maximum limit of expenditure to be incurred by a candidate contesting election to any ward of three municipal corporations of Delhi viz North Delhi, South Delhi and East Delhi, to be held hereafter as Rs 8 lakh,” read the order.

In 2004, the maximum expenditure limit was Rs 4 lakh. It was increased in 2012 to Rs 5 lakh. It was further increased in 2017 to Rs 5.75 lakh. Now this has been again increased by Rs 2,25,000.


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