Spain moves toward ‘endemic’ approach to Covid

Madrid: Covid-19 in Spain will now be classified as an “endemic” disease — one that will be consistently present rather than one for which there is a definite end.

Accordingly, the authorities on Monday removed the seven-day quarantine requirement for those infected if they are asymptomatic or only show light symptoms of the virus, reports Xinhua news agency.

They will still be recommended to wear face masks and avoid close contact with vulnerable people, but will be allowed to go to work.

Remote working is still recommended when possible.

The quarantine requirement will remain in force for severe cases, similar to that applicable for severe cases of the common flu.

Controls will be focused on those older than 60 or with underlying health conditions that could make them vulnerable to the virus.

Healthy people younger than 60 will no longer have to take a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test to confirm their infection status.

The Health Ministry explained that it had “established the mechanisms to maintain vigilance at a European level and for the correct inclusion of the information generated in Spain in reports and documents to assure an accurate following of the pandemic in the European Union”.

Under the new rules, spectators will once again be allowed to eat and drink at sporting events, such as football matches.

Spain, one of the worst-hit countries in Europe, has so far registered a total of 11,451,676 Covid-19 cases and 102,392 deaths.


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