Here’s why Day Care surgery is gaining momentum in the medical sector

New Delhi:  Often injuries can become huge obstacles in achieving life goals. While there are times when injuries cannot be prevented, the only hope in such a situation is faster recovery through proper treatment. Thankfully, due to the highly advanced technological epoch, Daycare Surgery or Ambulatory Surgery has been gaining massive momentum and bringing about a revolution in the medical sector.

A day care procedure allows one to be hospitalised at the Centre for less than 24 hours which allows in return for the patients to claim benefits under health insurance schemes.

A variety of procedures including Knee Arthroscopy for ligament, meniscus and cartilage surgery, Osteotomies (limb re-alignment surgery) and Partial Knee Replacements are safe and suitable for Daycare treatment.

Besides, insurance firms too now reimburse the cost without the mandatory 24-hour hospitalisation. “Daycare arthroscopy and fast track knee replacement surgery is safe and effective, with low readmission and complication rates on par or better than traditional surgeries,” said Mumbai-based Dr. Miten Sheth, a super-specialist Orthopedic Knee surgeon.

Daycare Surgical Centres or Ambulatory Surgical Centres (ASC) are healthcare facilities, where surgical procedures not requiring an overnight stay are performed.

ASCs today routinely and safely perform most outpatient surgery procedures, including knee joint replacements. Just like in hospital operating rooms, the surgeons, nurses and medical professionals in ASCs follow a very specific set of protocols and procedures to draw satisfactory results.

However, Dr. Sheth warned against going to small or ill-equipped nursing homes for day surgery. “Most ASCs are certified under standard hospital and nursing home norms, and many are accredited by the major independent healthcare rating agencies. ASCs are also required to establish and maintain a strict sanitary environment for preventing infections,” he said.

To ensure the success of the daycare program, another aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked is correct patient selection.

“Since not all cases merit day surgeries, the top criteria considered in selecting patients for the treatment includes surgeries like Knee Arthroscopy and Partial Knee Replacements that preferably do not go beyond 1–2-hour duration,” Dr Sheth said, adding “operations involving excessive blood loss or severe postsurgical pain are avoided.”

Patient’s general health and social conditions are the major criteria, although these may be relaxed for surgery under regional/ local anesthesia, he further added.

A patient opting for fast track or Daycare Knee Replacement program will go through three phases- pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative.

The first phase includes investigations and complete patient assessment before surgery, adequate patient education, infectious prophylaxis (antibiotics before surgery) and pre-emptive analgesia (treatment before surgery). The next phase or the Intra-operative phase involves regional anaesthesia, surgery with a little technological help (e.g., robotics-assisted knee replacement), complete pain control and ensuring minimal blood loss. The last phase or the post-operative phase includes effective pain management techniques, consultation and home visits under supervision of the operating surgeon, home physiotherapist visits and early supervised ambulation.

While the daycare surgeries have myriad of benefits, the procedure being more economical for the patient in comparison to inpatient surgery, tops them all.

Other advantages of Daycare Arthroscopy include:

Earlier mobilisation.

Less psychological disturbances in children and elderly patients.

Reduced risk of cross-infection.

Pre-booked date and less likely to be cancelled.

Easier domestic arrangements. Minimal disruption of patient’s personal life.

Earlier return to the normal environment. Less loss of time at work.

Avoidance of disruptive nights in hospital wards.

Lesser chances of cancellation due to pressures of emergency surgeries in a dedicated elective daycare facility.

“With complete infrastructure, latest equipment, surgical expertise and a competent dedicated team, one can offer a comprehensive and collaborative pathway of care from pre-operative screening – counselling through intra-operative management to post-operative recovery and rehabilitation,” Dr Sheth concluded.


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