IANS-CVoter Survey: Majority of Indians think environment is imperilled

New Delhi: A vast majority of Indians seem to be of the opinion that the environment is in danger and it is a serious issue.

This opinion cuts across educational, socio economic and ethnic identities. These findings were revealed by a nationwide survey conducted by CVoter on behalf of IANS find out what ordinary Indians think about issues related to the environment as the world marks the Environment Day on June 5.

Overall, close to 60 per cent of the respondents stated that the environment is in very serious danger while another 15 per cent were of the opinion that it is in some danger. In effect, 3 out of 4 Indians are convinced that the environment is imperilled. In sharp contrast, less than 10 per cent of the residents felt that the issue of environmental degradation is exaggerated.

This opinion was shared by virtually all sections of Indian society. While 61 per cent of those aged between 18 and 24 felt the environment was in serious danger, close to 56 per cent of those aged above 55 felt the same.

About 61 per cent of Dalits or scheduled castes and the same ratio of upper caste Hindus asserted that the environment was in serious danger.

Except scheduled tribes, more than 50 per cent of respondents in every category were firmly of the opinion that the environment was in serious danger.

The concerns about the status of the environment increased as one moved up on the educational and income ladder. While 52.3 per cent of the poorly educated felt the environment was in serious danger, more than 75 per cent of university or college graduates felt the same.

Similarly, while 55.6 per cent of low income respondents affirmed that the environment was in serious danger, 65.5 per cent of those in the higher income group shared the same opinion. It is rare for so many Indians to agree with each other on such a contentious and controversial issue.


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