All Kudos To Team I & PR Dept For Making Ratha Yatra A Grand and Successful Event

Puri: While the world famous Ratha Yatra has been completed successfully with much pomp and gaiety, all concerned departments associated with the management of the grand event need to be appreciated for their constant endeavor. One of the important departments that has been associated with the arrangements for this year’s Ratha Yatra is the Information and Public Relations Department of the Government of Odisha. A meticulous planning over the last year by the Department could make it possible for the Ratha Yatra to reach to millions of people situated all across the globe. Due to the efforts of the Information and Public Relations Department, Jagannath devotees could watch real time the various traditional events associated with the Yatra.

Led by Sanjay Kumar Singh, Principal Secretary, the Department of Information And Pubic Relation has accomplished many important successes during the Ratha Yatra. It had the pivotal role in planning and implementing the live telecast of the events associated with the 12 days Yatra. While Doordarshan was executing the technical part, the IPR team made it possible for its world wide audience. The flawless execution could guarantee that the devotees who could not come to Puri can watch the Yatra live on all major television channels of the country.

The Department also played an important role in disseminating information on Jagannath culture and traditions by opening eleven Information centers in the city. The Centers also provided information to the lakhs of people coming to Puri on various issues such as timing of the rituals, traffic movement, fast aid etc. The Department also ran a special van for distribution of the special edition of the Utkala Prasanga and Odisha Review books in the far flung border areas of the state. This initiative by the Department has received wide accolades from the Odias residing outside the state. The Department made a record distribution of the Ratha Yatra special issues of the Utkal Prasanga and Odisha Review this year.

The extensive coverage of the Snana Jatra, Gundicha Jatra, Adapa Bije, Bahuda, Suna Besha, Adhara Pana and Niladri Bije with beautiful commentary by experts mesmerized the Jagannath Devotees. The Department made arrangements for transport of senior journalist from the state capital to Puri on the Ratha Yatra Day which was well appreciated by the fraternity. Another important role played by the Information and Public Relations Department has been on creating awareness on Covid to the people coming to the Ratha Yatra. The special photo exhibition on Ratha Yatra organized by the Department attracted thousands of devotees and enlightened them with Jagannath Culture and traditions.

The IPR Department stood at the front when it comes to the use of social media on disseminating information on Ratha Yatra. Each and every event associated with the Yatra found its way to the Social Media through IPR Department. Perhaps this is for the first time that the Department has used the Social Media to such an extent. This could happen only due to the dynamic leadership of Sanjay Kumar Singh, who is leading the department’s transformation.

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