France moves closer to abolishing broadcast levy

Paris:  The French Senate or the upper house of Parliament, voted on Tuesday in favour of abolishing the broadcast levy imposed on all households possessing a television.

The vote by 196 to 147 in favour of an article contained in a review of the supplementary budget followed a similar vote in the National Assembly, reports dpa news agency.

The country’s public broadcasters will in future be funded in part by income from value-added tax.

In an amendment that was passed at the same time, the senate imposed the condition that the new arrangement would be in force only up to the end of 2024.

The government should in the interim come up with thorough reform of the sector, including appropriate funding, it said.

The broadcast fee in France currently stands at 138 euros ($141) per year and is levied on houses owning a television.

President Emmanuel Macron announced it would be abolished during his campaign for re-election earlier this year as part of moves to ease the rise in the cost of living.


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