Rajnath Singh holds bilateral talks with African counterparts at Gandhinagar

Gandhinagar: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday held bilateral meetings with his various counterparts from Africa who are attending the India-Africa Defence Dialogue and the DefExpo in Gandhinagar.

Rajnath Singh met his counterparts Major Gen Hanana Ould Sidi (Mauritania), Rameaux-Claude Bireau (Central African Republic), Sering Modou Njie (The Gambia), Dominic Aduna Bingab Nitiwul (Ghana), Dr. Abraham Belay (Ethiopia), and Janine Tatiana Santos Lelis (Cabo Verde) and discussed the entire spectrum of defence cooperation with emphasis on identifying avenues to expand mutually beneficial collaboration.

The Defence Minister will host the India-Africa Defence Dialogue (IADD) in Gandhinagar on Tuesday. Defence cooperation issues between India and the African countries will be discussed during the meeting, and a joint declaration will also be issued after the dialogue.


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