Taliban reveals burial site of Mullah Omar

Kabul:  The Taliban has disclosed the burial site of Mullah Omar, the elusive and reclusive one-eyed founder of the terror group, in Afghansitan’s Zabul province, chief spokesman of the government in Kabul Zabihullah Mujahid said on Monday.

“The burial site of late Amirul Mominen (Supreme leader) Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid was revealed to public at a ceremony attended by ranking officials in Omarzo area of Suri district, Zabul province, on Sunday,” Mujahid tweeted.

Acting Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund and other members of the Taliban-led government attended the ceremony, Xinhua news agency quoted the spokesman as saying.

After he was dethroned from power following the US-led military invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001, Omar went underground and according to media reports died of illness in 2013 in Pakistan.

However, his supporters have denied the report, claiming Omar passed away nine years ago inside Afghanistan and was buried secretly.

Born in 1960 in Kandahar province, Mullah Omar fought with the Afghan fighters against the Soviet army in the 1980s and lost his right eye in battle.

Some reports suggest the Taliban leader had himself cut out his wounded eye, while others suggest he was treated at a hospital in one of the neighbouring countries.

After the Soviets pulled out in 1989, Omar was said to have returned to his native area as a prayer leader and teacher. He gathered a band of students which was later said to have become the Taliban.

The Taliban took power in Kabul under Omar’s leadership in 1996.


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