PM conducts review meeting on preparedness for summer season

New Delhi: With the IMD forecasting extreme heat conditions across the country during the forthcoming summer season this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday chaired a high-level meeting to review preparedness to deal with the situation.

According to official sources, Modi was briefed about the forecast of monsoon, impact on Rabi crops, preparedness of medical infrastructure and preparation for disaster related to heat and other mitigation measures.

The Food Corporation of India (FCI) was asked to ensure optimal storage of grains in extreme weather conditions by the Prime Minister, sources said.

The PM is learnt to have asked for preparation of separate awareness material for different stakeholders, during the meeting.

He instructed the India Meteorological Department to prepare daily weather forecasts in a manner which is easy to interpret and disseminate.

The efforts underway to monitor irrigation water supply, fodder and drinking water were also reviewed in the meeting.

The Prime Minister was briefed about the preparedness of states and hospital infrastructure in terms of availability of required supplies and preparedness for emergencies.

He was also updated on various efforts underway across the country to prepare for disasters related to heat and mitigation measures in place.

Modi said that separate awareness material should be prepared for different stakeholders including citizens, medical professionals, municipal and panchayat authorities, disaster response teams like firefighters etc.

The Prime Minister stressed on the need for detailed fire audits of all hospitals and that mock fire drills be done in all hospitals by firefighters. The need for a coordinated effort to deal with forest fires was also pointed out. It was discussed that systemic changes should be made to support efforts to prevent and tackle forest fires.

The Principal Secretary to the PM, the Cabinet Secretary, the Home Secretary, the Health Secretary, the Agriculture Secretary, Earth Sciences Secretary and officials from the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) were present in the meeting.


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