When John Legend reached out to a porn producer with similar name

Los Angeles: Musician John Legend had to strike a deal with porn producer Johnny Legend before he could use his stage name.

The 44-year-old ‘So High’ crooner was originally named John Roger Stephens and, when he decided he wanted to adopt the performing moniker ‘Legend’ after advice from Kanye West and poet J. Ivy, he discovered he’d have to clear the trademark with the adult film boss.

“I was born John Stevens. A friend of mine started calling me John Legend. Kanye kind of blew it up when he put it on one of his recordings,” he said on an upcoming episode of ‘The Jonathan Ross Show’.

“When I was deciding whether to go out as John Legend or John Stevens (I thought, Legend), it’ll make a statement before I even show up. Then I found out someone is called Johnny Legend – he was a porn producer. I’ve never met him before. My manager, we had to clear the trademark. He reached out and negotiated a deal. I would always be John Legend and he’d always be Johnny Legend and we’d never cross.”

John also told how he’d be celebrating his 10th wedding anniversary with his model wife Chrissy Teigen, 37, whom he married in September 2013 and with whom he has daughter Esti Maxine, born January, as well as girl Luna Simone, six, and four-year-old son Miles Theodore.

Telling how they are going to Lake Como to toast the milestone as it was where they married, he added: “We’re going to go back to where it all started, Lake Como, we’re going to go back there. ‘All of Me’ – we put out the song that year. So it’s the 10th anniversary of ‘All Of Me’, too. The first time I sang it live was at our wedding.”

Legend also said about how his older two kids are adapting to their new sibling, “They seemed kind of jealous while mummy was pregnant… but since she’s come out, they’ve been so good, competing to see who will be the best older sibling.”


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