Jammu: The Jammu Divisional Commissioner, Ramesh Kumar, and Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, K.K. Sidha, on Friday flagged off a fleet of 125 buses with 4,000 devotees on board, majority of them Kashmir Pandits, from Nagrota to attend the Kheer Bhawani Mela celebrated every year at Mata Kheer Bhawani Shrine Tulmulla at Ganderbal in Kashmir.
The yatris will visit the prominent temples in the district and on May 28 on the eve of Jesth Ashtami shall participate in the annual Hawan and Mela at Mata Kheer Bhawani Temple Tulmulla (Ganderbal).
“The Divisional Administration Kashmir and the Deputy Commissioners of the Kashmir Division have made elaborate arrangements for the comfortable and safe stay of the yatries with adequate lodging, boarding, medical and other allied arrangements of sanitation and hygiene,” an official statement said.
“Nodal officers have been designated for each purpose for the smooth coordination and monitoring of the yatra. The Kashmiri Pandits staying in Kashmir are also being facilitated by the respective district administrations for participation in the annual Kheer Bhawani Mela,” it added.
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