Agra on alert after Covid positive foreign tourist disappears

Agra: After an Argentinian tourist, who tested Covid-19 positive, disappeared without a trace, the district health authorities here sounded an alert and tightened the preventive pandemic protocol.

All tourists are now being screened at the monuments, according to the CMO. The hotels have been told to keep a complete record and upload the details on the website of the health department.

Sources said the search for the ‘missing’ Argentinian tourist was on. CCTV cameras were being reviewed, at the stations and city entry points. The guest had recorded a wrong phone number. His sample was collected on Tuesday.

The local district hospital has been readied to meet any emergency situation, and visitors were being screened at the bus stands and railway stations, officials said.

A big rush of visitors was expected for the New Year, said the hoteliers.

Meanwhile, a local businessman, who returned from China recently, has been isolated and is under observation, after he tested positive. His family members and 37 others who contacted him, have all tested negative.



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