Astro Zindagi (Weekly Horoscope)


You need to work on your public image this week. Watch your behaviour else it can bring bad name to you. You can be a part of social and religious activities as this will help you get mental peace. Due to the bad or turbulent atmosphere of the house, youmay feel depressed. In such a situation, any wrong step you take at this time can impact the family environment. If you want to change jobs or take any important decision related to your profession, then this is an auspicious time. Students may feel left out as some of their friends can outperform them in academics. Health issues relating to respiration can bother you.

Tip of the week: Maintain your image


Your expenses are likely to shoot up this week which can cause some stress. Take all necessary steps in your career without any delay in order to reach the top with your abilities. Otherwise, you may lose valuable time in thinking and planning while someone else overtakes you. You will be successful in resolving all sorts of past misunderstandings with the family members. Your spouse could witness a positive phase in their career. Students may face difficulties in their field and are advised to be patient. Watch your eating habits this week else it can cause you problems. Avoid eating spicy food and drink plenty of water.

Tip of the week: Do not procrastinate


This week, you are likely to attain excellent results in terms of the profession such as monetary increment or promotion at work. You will be able to achieve all of it by putting to use every diplomatic strategy with your discipline and hard work. Some of you may be forced to make some important decisions. Due to this, you will feel stressed and anxious. At the workplace, avoid getting into any new partnership or agreement at this time. Students will be able to hear some good news as their performance will drastically improve. Keep a watch over your health as you may face some throat and ear-related illness.

Tip of the week: Avoid any new partnership


Those in business will have multiple travels this week in connection to work. You could procure a major financial project at this time. Working professionals need to be diplomatic in their workplace, else they can land into uncomfortable position. Take your parents into consideration while making any investment. Their advice will help you in achieving your financial goals. Your spouse will remain supportive and you can expect their love and affection. Students will stay committed to their goals and will be able to achieve their target. Health issues relating to chest and eyes can bother you, so take adequate care and precaution.

Tip of the week: Seek advice from parents


You may face a challenging environment at the workplace this week. Your superiors may be particularly demanding and may give you additional workload and responsibility. Nonetheless, you will be able to do justice to the expectations. On the financial front, you will be able to come across opportunities with the help of which you can make some money. Plan to invest in a long-term scheme and avoid any speculative investments. Keep a tab on your speech and words else you may be misunderstood, both at the workplace and in personal life. Student may face some issues in pursuing their academic path.

Tip of the week: Avoid speculative investments


This week, you will remain energetic. You will be motivated at work and will accomplish all pending tasks diligently. Your superiors will be impressed with your dedication and sincerity. Those in business need to look at different strategies to stay ahead of competition. All types of property-related transactions done by you in the past are likely to be completed this week. The majority of people’s romantic lives will be fantastic and it is a favourable time to strengthen your relationships. Students may face some family issues which can distract them from their goals. Health issues relating to stomach can affect you.

Tip of the week: Stay ahead of competition


You will get good results on the work front this week. You will be motivated to work hard with sincerity.You will earn seniors’ trust and colleagues’ respect. There are chances of bagging a job abroad or getting a promotion at the current job. People in search of new business or business strategies will see favourable results.You will successfully accumulate wealth and save money during this time. There is a possibility of garnering profit from the government sector in business. Making investments will be beneficial during this time. There will be sweetness and trust in the love relationships.

Tip of the week: Stay motivated


There are chances of reaching a good position in the job during this time.Seniors will be happy with your work and assign you new responsibilities. You will have to work hard in the workplace but will also get good results. During this time, investing in business will be profitable for you.Do not make any unnecessary expenses during this time. Spend money within the budget. You will earn respect and a good reputation in the family. You will become closer to younger siblings. There will be new energy and enthusiasm among the love mates. The trust will grow, and both partners will be ready to spend the rest of their lives together.

Tip of the week: Invest in new business


The employed natives are advised to pay attention to their behaviour as temperamental issues can create problems in the workplace. Try not to indulge in arguments with seniors and fulfil your responsibilities on time.There are chances of a job transfer which will be beneficial for you. There is a possibility of long trips concerning business, and some natives may even go abroad.You can benefit from making a better investment. However, during this time, it will be difficult for you to control your expenses. The intimate relationship with your partner will improve. Any prolonged diseases will be eliminated with efforts.

Tip of the week: Control your temper


You might face difficulties regarding job during this week. Natives working in the private sector might have to go through ups and downs in the office. Colleagues will try to create a negative atmosphere for you, and differences with senior officials might also arise. However, it will be a good time for businessmen. You might travel long distances for work-related matters. Meeting new people will help you grow your business. You need to act patiently and wisely at this time and try to remove the communication gap in the family. Don’t say things to your partner that will hurt them. Step in your partner’s shoes and understand their point of view as well.

Tip of the week: Trust your partner


You will put your intelligence to good use. This will strengthen your morale and mentality and will help make new strategies regarding work.On one hand, you will become more authoritative in the workplace, while on the other, there will be possibilities of conflicts. This will be a profitable month for traders and businessmen. The business will expand to new areas, and your contacts will play an important role in it. Mutual trust will grow among family members. You may get the blessings of the elders. Don’t let any doubt arise in your partner’s mind. Try to clear out any misunderstanding with your partner, or it may disrupt your relationship.

Tip of the week: Use your intelligence


You will become more authoritative and receive new responsibilities. Your work will be appreciated in the office, and seniors will honour you. Natives looking for a job will also succeed during this time. The business will strengthen, and new paths will be paved. You will make new strategies for business and courageously implement them. Try to maintain a happy atmosphere in the house and obey the advice of elders. Don’t hide anything from your partner and openly express your emotions. The interference of an outsider can also affect your relationship. You may suffer from insomnia during this time, and stomach-related diseases may trouble you.<br> <br>Tip of the week: Be authoritative

(Neeraj Dhankher is an Astrologer with proficiency in Vedic, KP and Nadi Astrology. He is Founder and CEO of Astro Zindagi. The observations are made by the writer based on his own analysis)


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