Bhubaneswar First: An Initiative That Calls for Partnership, Convergence and Ownership for Making Bhubaneswar No 1 City

Bhubaneswar: Bhanja Kala Mandap stood testimony to one of the unique most urban governance initiatives – Bhubaneswar First.

The initiative was launched in a brief ceremony by MLA Central Ananta Narayan Jena, Mayor BMC Sulochana Das , Dy. Mayor BMC .ManjulataKanhar, Vice Chairman BDA Balwant Singh, BMC Commissioner Vijay Amruta Kulange, Addl. Commissioner of Police Dr.Umashankar Dash, GM, OFDC Sudhansu Khora, Olympian Anuradha Biswal – the Swaccha ambassador BMC&BMC Standing Committee (public health) chairman.

In a message, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik appealed for keeping the city clean, green and beautiful.

“Bhubaneswar First” is all about putting the city’s interest first, by all the city stakeholders i.e.citizens, public representatives and government agencies together. Whichever the profession, whatever the age & economic level or education status, all must put Bhubaneswar their Janmabhoomi or Karmabhoomi before everything hence the initiative Bhubaneswar FIRST. The BMC led initiative aspires to create ownership, participation and convergence at all level to realise the full potential of the city and to become the one defining and associative attribute that to city’s denizens can subscribe to, and own. In this regard the unique initiative of “Bhubaneswar First” shall endeavour to engage all the stakeholders including the citizens to share responsibility with authorities and also develop a sense of civic ownership towards city assets and civic conditions.

Convergence, cooperation, contribution, ownership and pride by both executives, people representatives and the citizens would be the key propellants which will drive the “Bhubaneswar First ”initiative in overall city development including Sanitation, City illumination, Infrastructure development, Traffic, Housing, Transportation, Education, Water supply, Health, Vendor management, Pollution management, City amenities, Art, culture and tourism and grievance redressal, etc.

Many unique developmental efforts are being taken to improve sanitation, lving condition, aesthetics and beauty of the city. To strengthen and sustain the efforts the citizens must act consciously with a notion that every action they take shall have an impact on the city.

A planned campaign will be unleashed by BMC in coming months to fire citizen ownership towards Sanitation and city development initiatives under the BHUBANESWAR FIRST banner. Participation, involvement, Ownership and Pride shall be the key triggers of this joint initiative. The BHUBANESWAR FIRST initiative looks forward to interdepartmental partnership for convergence and city beautification in coming months.

During the event the Bhubaneswar First Logo was unveiled followed by briefs from the dignitaries

Ananta Narayan Jena MLA Central said “The vision of our Hon’ble CM to make our city & state First we should carry forward and work together to make this happen. Bhubaneswar is a beautiful city to live in & everyone coming here is appreciating our city, we should work together to make it the best city in our country.”

Sulochana Das, BMC Mayor said “The city is ours & we should take responsibility to make it First in all aspects. Within a short span of time the city has transformed lot& it will continue to be more beautiful & liveable in the coming days with participation of all.”

Balwant Singh, VC, BDA said, “The city in which we are staying we should think about it FIRST & rest all comes later, we should think in that perspective & work accordingly for the betterment of the city. We worked as a team during the HWC & Team Bhubaneswar will do so in coming days to make Bhubaneswar First”

Dr.Umashankar Dash, IPS Addl. CP said “with collective measure of BMC, BDA, Police & all stakeholders of the city especially the Political Leaders let’s make our city beautiful. With citizen participation only we can make our city the best.”

Vijay Amruta Kulange, Commissioner, BMC said, “Bhubaneswar should come First in our day to day life whatever we do we should think about our city first & work together to make it more clean, green & liveable. A teacher should teach students about their duties towards a city, an auto driver/MoBus driver & everyone must think to make our city first in all aspects. Bhubaneswar First we should achieve by collaborative measures.”

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