BJD Demands Special Category Status for Odisha

New Delhi: The Biju Janata Dal on Wednesday urged the Centre to accord Special Category Status to Odisha as it faces frequent natural disasters causing massive economic loss to the State.

Raising the issue in the Rajya Sabha, BJD MP Dr. Sasmit Patra said that there is need to amend the rules of the Special Category Status to ensure Odisha becomes a Special Category State of India

He said that Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has been repeatedly demanding for Special Category Status for Odisha on account of the massive economic loss that the State faces due to the natural disasters like cyclones, floods, drought that hit the State almost every year because of which more than 80% of geographical area and nearly 90% of population of Odisha are vulnerable. However, successive Union Governments have not heeded to this very well-justified demand by Naveen Patnaik and the Odisha Government, Patra said.

The BJD MP further stated that Union Government should take into account that the guidelines of Special Category Status fails to factor in aspects like proneness to natural calamities like floods, cyclones, drought etc. and low rate of mobilization of resources. The changing of sharing pattern of various Centrally Sponsored Schemes from 90:10 ratio to 60:40 ratio has already burdened states like Odisha. Instead of providing a helping hand, the Union Government has been citing Special Category Status guidelines due to which it cannot grant Odisha the Special Category state status. However, such guidelines by the Union Government are not cast in stone and can be amended just as many legislations, rules, guidelines and procedures are amended regularly, the BJD MP added.

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