Buoyed by social media presence, Imran a magnet for Pak’s disaffected youth

Islamabad: Imran Khan most certainly holds massive support among people from all walks of life in Pakistan and also seen by many as the only hope for a better and prosperous future of the country.

The towering popularity Khan enjoys among the youth is established through his party’s very strong presence on social media and other tools, which have fast and quick outreach to the masses, majority of who is from the youth.

While Khan’s popularity, his celebrity image, aura and narratives have certainly reached to all corners of the country; many argue that he has used his “lesser evil” image, his strong utilization of engagement with the youth through social media, public rallies and strong campaigning.

He has overused his public strength for personal political gains and pressure tactics, filling the hearts and minds of the masses with hatred towards other political parties, and especially the military establishment.

“Imran Khan most certainly is a popular leader. And we have seen in the past that the public power has been his major firepower against the military establishment and the ruling government,” said Javed Siddique, a senior political analyst.

“But it would not be wrong to say this now that he went too far in his anti-military narrative and is not facing serious and dire consequences for the same. He used his massive public support to not only challenge the system, he also used them later on to target, attack and hurt the military in a way that turned the table upside down for him and his supporters.”

Khan has proven time after time that he holds great control and support among the youth, as he has been able to attract unrelenting support, love and almost a blind consent on everything he says by the country’s youth.

“Pakistan’s masses see Imran Khan as the savior, as the messiah, as the hope for the country’s future. They see Imran Khan as the only option or what can be said the lesser evil as compared to other politicians,” said Sidduque.

But the way, situation has taken a U-turn, this time against Khan, has most certainly put all those in his support and anti-military narrative, in deep hot waters as they now face terrorism cases, military trials and punishments under the Army Act and Official Secrets Act.

The electrified, charged and resilient youth, which vowed to stand by Khan and his political struggle, now has been forced to see the sights of jails, police stations and raids at early young age.

“It would be wrong to say that Imran Khan is no longer popular among the youth. He still is very popular and is still trusted as only hero for the country. But, his only firepower and strength, the public and the youth, is traumatized with fear of having to face the wrath of the military’s might,” said Siddique.


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