Cameroon, FAO sign 5-yr agreement to improve food security, nutrition

Yaounde:  The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has signed a Country Programming Framework (CPF) with Cameroon, which will help improve agriculture, food security, nutrition and natural resources management in the central African nation over the next five years.

The signing event was held in the capital Yaounde on Friday between the FAO Country Representative, Athman Mravili and Cameroon’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Gabriel Mbairobe.

“This document has four main axis. The first is to ameliorate condition of production in order to create wealth in our country, the second action is to fight against climate change, the third action is to strengthen the policy of governance of public affairs in our country and the last action is to strengthen the Sustainable Development Goals that aim to eradicate poverty and fight against hunger in our country,” Mbairobe told reporters after the CPF which will run from 2022 to 2026 was signed.

CPF will be implemented by the government of Cameroon and FAO with support from the wider spectrum of stakeholders within the private sector, semi government institutions and civil society, Xinhua news agency reported.

Agriculture is the mainstay of Cameroon’s economy and a major source of employment for more than 70 per cent of the population.

However, the sector has been impacted by the incidence of weather-induced crop failures, pests and diseases and limited access by especially small-holder farmers to financing instruments and technology, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.


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