Coimbatore police to open adventure club for adventure sport and gaming

Chennai: The Coimbatore police will soon open an adventure club for providing training and practice in adventure sports like paragliding, parasailing, rock climbing, crossing of rivers etc.

This is the first such venture of the police in Tamil Nadu once it becomes operational.

The theoretical and practical aspects of paragliding and parasailing will be designed and delivered by private aviation colleges. Sources in Coimbatore police told IANS that the fee for admission will be kept at a minimal rate for more and more students to make use of it.

It may be noted that the Coimbatore police is managing a rifle club that has helped many people to learn marksmanship and basics of shooting. With the help of the shooting club many people in and around Coimbatore have got

interest in shooting.

Those who undergo training in adventure sports will receive certificates for becoming masters in adventure sports like paragliding, parasailing, river crossing, sky diving, and rock climbing.

The police are also introducing the adventure sports club to change the perception that adventure sports are for rich people and the adventure club to be coming up under the Coimbatore police aims to change.

Coimbatore police are also contemplating using the services of those who got trained for disaster management if such a situation arises.


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