Contaminated groundwater causing chronic ailments in areas on Hindon banks

Shamli (UP):  Residents of nearly 31 villages in Shamli district, located on the banks of the Hindon river, are facing a major health risk. They have been found to be suffering from dreaded diseases like cancer, skin, respiratory and liver-related problems, etc.

Dr. Vinay Kumar, District Malaria Officer, said: “Following the directions by the National Green Tribunal (NGT), the health department set up camps in the first week of January in 31 villages, in which 1,311 villagers were diagnosed with these diseases. Now, a report has been formulated and sent to the Uttar Pradesh health department.”

Notably, the tributaries, including Kali, Krishna, etc., are some of the most contaminated rivers that have been causing havoc in the lives of villagers.

In Baghpat and Meerut, too, several villagers suffer from similar health issues.

The reason behind the health hazard is that the groundwater, which is consumed by the residents, has been contaminated.

In fact, 21 villages in Shamli were even supplied with fresh water on which Rs 43 crore was spent. An overhead tank, solar power run water pumps, etc., were installed.

According to officials, 198 people with respiratory diseases, 88 with liver problems, 37 with cancer, 34 with abdominal issues, 69 with skin diseases and 885 with other health issues have been found in the survey conducted by the NGT.

Dr. Kumar said: “The health department took into account only those patients who are already suffering from diseases. Doctors diagnosed them and sent the reports to the health department.”


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