CR Patil’s ‘One Day One District’ plan in Gujarat will expand party reach: BJP leaders

Vadodara : Gujarat BJP chief C.R. Patil, during his 24-hour stay at a district headquarters or a big town, meets people from all sections of society and tries to resolve their problems on the spot. This is definitely going to expand the party’s reach and increase their voters, believe party leaders.

Patil had launched this programme on April 25, and his first ‘One Day One District’ programme was held in Vyara town in Tapi district of South Gujarat. For the first time the common man and professionals got access to the BJP state unit president, where they discussed public issues or issues touching a large section of the people which were resolved on the spot, said Dr Jayram Gamit, president of the BJP’s Tapi District Committee.

He added that in the morning session, Patil met electoral page committees members and page presidents. This is a new initiative where the state unit chief sits with workers and discusses party plans, which boosts the morale of the party workers. In the afternoon he met professionals, retired government employees, teachers, monks of various sects, and other sections of the society. Through them, Patil plans to reach out to more and more people and achieve the target of winning a record number of seats.

Since Monday morning Patil has been in Narmada district, where he spoke to different groups. Last week he spent 24 hours in Padra town of Vadodara district, and in a single day he met teachers, advocates, doctors, railway porters and members of Bhajan Mandlis, said Ashwin Patel, president of the Vadodara district committee.

Both the leaders said that the party has different cells for professionals and various castes, but when such cells call a meeting, only BJP members attend them and the general public is excluded. In the ‘One Day One District’, programme the party state chief speaks directly to different sections of the society.

Patil is planning to hold such programmes in all 33 districts, and once the programmes are concluded Patil would have held direct interaction with thousands of people. Their problems would have been resolved on the spot which will expand the party’s reach and strengthen its vote bank, hope both the leaders.


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