Israel Justice Ministry mulls constituting special court to try Hamas militants

Tel Aviv:  The Israel Justice Ministry is mulling to introduce a legislation to constitute a special court for trying Hamas militants who were arrested after the October 7 unprecedented attack launched by the terrorist group on the Jewish nation.

The judicial system will use the trials to reveal to the world the reasons behind the Hamas assault, the financiers behind the attack, as well as how it all originated.

The Israeli authorities are also keen that they present before the world as to how the terror organisation functions.

The trial of the captured Hamas militants, according to the authorities, will replicate the trial of Otto Adolf Eichman, a former Nazi officer who was captured byIsrael’s Mossad’sintelligence agency in May 1960 in Argentina and was tried before the Supreme Court of Israel.

The highly-publicised trial of Eichman, who was close to Adolf Hitler and one of the major organisers of the Holocaust, resulted in his conviction in Jerusalem after which he was executed in 1962.

Eichman was put on trial for crimes he had committed against the Jewish people, crimes against humanity and war crimes under the Nazi regime.


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