Italian President pays tribute to victims of migrant disaster

Rome:  Italian President Sergio Mattarella paid tribute to the 67 asylum seekers who lost their liver earlier this week after their boat capsized off the coast of Crotone.

It was the first time in years that such a high-ranking official has traveled to the site of a disaster involving migrants, reports Xinhua news agency.

Migration is a polarising issue in Italy, which has been calling for policy reforms at European Union (EU) level to help dilute the social and economic impact of migrant arrivals.

Italy is the most common landing point in Europe for migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea.

The ship that capsized on Sunday with as many as 200 migrants on board was headed to the southern Italian region of Calabria from Turkey.

Italy is the main destination for asylum seekers setting off from Turkey, the eastern route, as well as from Libya and Tunisia via the central route.

Around 80 people survived the disaster, but the death toll may rise far higher than the current official figure of 67.

Mattarella on Thursday paused to pay tribute to the coffins laid out at the Palamilione Sports Center in Crotone, spoke with local officials and visited a hospital where 15 survivors are being treated.

He also distributed toys to children in the hospital’s paediatric ward.

Mattarella has reportedly promised to support the repatriation of the bodies of those who died in the accident, as well as helping survivors.

The President’s visit is seen as an important symbolic gesture during a period of debate over migrant policy, and over the country’s role in setting EU policy in the area.


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