Kashmir Files ban: Hindu Sena urges govt to snap ties with Singapore

New Delhi : Right-wing organisation Hindu Sena on Tuesday urged the Indian government to sever ties with Singapore after the latter banned the screening of Bollywood movie ‘The Kashmir Files’ in the country.

“The film truly depicts the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits that happened three decades ago, and Singapore banning the movie has exposed its true face,” Hindu Sena chief Vishnu Gupta told IANS.

He said that through this film, the world got to know about the plight of the Kashmiri Pandit community.

“Since the past three decades, the barbaric genocide was hidden from the world, but now everybody knows it,” Gupta said.

His remarks came after Singapore’s InfoComm Media Development Authority (IMDA) banned the Vivek Agnihotri directed film on the ground that it could disturb religious harmony.

The IMDA said that it had consulted with the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and the Ministry of Home Affairs in Singapore, which found the film to have “exceeded the film classification guidelines for its ‘provocative’ and ‘one-sided’ portrayal of Muslims and the depiction of Hindus being persecuted in the conflict in Kashmir, ‘Variety’ reported.

“These representations have the potential to cause enmity between different communities and disrupt social cohesion and religious harmony in Singapore’s multi-racial and multi-religious society,” the IMDA said.

The Hindu Sena chief also appealed to the countrymen to completely boycott Singapore.

“I urge Indians to stop going to Singapore,” Gupta added.


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