Kerala: Second death despite full course of anti-rabies vaccine raises concern

Thiruvananthapuram:  Another person died in Kerala even after taking the full course of anti-rabies vaccine, sending the health authorities into a tizzy.

Fifty-three-year-old Chandrika from Kozhikode passed away a month after taking the vaccine.

Chandrika was bitten by a stray dog last month following which she took the full course of the anti-rabies vaccine. Things appeared to be fine till she complained of uneasiness earlier this month and was admitted to the Kozhikode Medical College hospital.

After ten days of treatment, she passed away on Saturday.

The state health authorities are now working to detect the exact cause of death through proper tests.

Earlier, a 19-year-old girl in Palakkad had died a month after taking a full course of anti-rabies vaccine due to a dog bite.

Anti-rabies vaccines are administered to people for free in all state-run health centres and hospitals, while in the private hospitals a hefty charge is levied to complete the prescribed doses.

Questions are being raised on the efficacy of the vaccines, especially the ones given free of cost.

The state health authorities are looking into all aspects as the death of Chandrika is being analysed in detail.


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