Maninee De: Sexuality is something very personal, and everybody should be allowed their orientation

Mumbai: Maninee De is seen playing a lead role of a mother in the short film ‘Bisexuality’ and she feels that the topic of the film is bold but it is a subject that need to be discussesd and highligted.

She says: “Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are put into boxes and labels, and our sexuality sort of speaks about who we are. But, I genuinely feel that sexuality is something which is very personal, and everybody should be allowed their orientation.”

“The way that they want to live life, their love language, these things are very personal to every human being. So, yes, it is still a taboo subject. And people do not speak about it very openly. Now, of course, people have started talking about it. But there is still a judgment. We can’t live in a bubble and say that it does not exist.”

The ‘Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin’ actress emphasises the fact that bisexuality exist in the society but people are not open to talk about it. She recalls an incident: “I remember somebody telling me that it happens because you’re bored of one gender. So, you go to the other one, I was like, ‘oh, okay, whatever’. Imagine the insensitivity or lack of understanding. I also don’t know the science or the reason why it happens, and I am equally curious but not judgemental.”

Speaking more on the subject, she adds: “I’m always up for things that spread awareness and help in opening up the minds of people. When I was approached, I wanted to understand how the makers are going to deal with such a sensitive subject and they have dealt with it beautifully.”

The short film is directed by Shivankar Arora and written by Shipra Arora.



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