My father was killed for saying what he believed in: Sajad Lone

Srinagar: Remembering his father Abdul Gani Lone on his 21st death anniversary on Sunday, J&K Peoples Conference President Sajad Lone said that he was killed for saying what he believed in.

“Remembering my father Abdul Gani Lone, killed for saying what he believed in. Two decades have passed. Those moments of helplessness in the face of brute violence persist even today. They are a grim reminder of bestiality and savagery where you violently silence a person because you don’t agree with his views.

“Targeted killings take place even today. They are as futile as the killings of the past. It is a fervent hope that Kashmir exits the vicious cycle of violence,” he said.

Lone said that regrettably, despite the passage of time, not a single person has been apprehended for the murder of Late Lone, and he is not alone in this regard.

“Till date not a single person has been apprehended for the murder of Lone sahib. And he is not alone.

“There are probably thousands of files of fellow Kashmiris where no one was ever apprehended,” he added.

Abdul Ghani Lone was shot dead on May 21, 2002 as he was attending a memorial service for Mirwaiz Moulvi Farooq in Srinagar. Lone was the founder of the Peoples Conference.


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