National Career Service portal registers 35.7L vacancies in 2022-23

New Delhi: The National Career Service (NCS) portal registered the highest vacancies during 2022-23 with nearly 35.7 lakh vacancies having been reported by employers on it, compared to 13 lakh vacancies in 2021-22.

The reporting of vacancies on NCS in 2022-23 has shown an increase of 175 per cent compared to 2021-22.

Further, 2022-23 also witnessed highest active vacancies count of more than 5.3 lakh as on October 30, 2022.

The increase in vacancy posting on NCS has been observed across all the sectors.

The finance and insurance sector has shown a phenomenal growth of more than 800 per cent and registered 20.8 lakh vacancies during 2022-23 compared to 2.2 lakh vacancies in 2021-22.

The vacancies in the operations and support sector has also registered a growth of 400 per cent with 3.75 lakh vacancies reported in 2022-23 as compared to 76,000 in 2021-22.

The vacancies in the sectors like hotels, food service and catering, manufacturing, health and education also significantly increased during 2022-23 over the previous year.

During 2022-23, the NCS portal has also achieved a milestone of registering more than one million employers since its launch. Out of total registered employers, more than eight lakh employers were registered in 2022-23.

The maximum registrations of employers were from the service sector (6.5 lakh) which was followed by the employers from the manufacturing sector.


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